Fall 2014
Our Deaf Survivors (ODSC) has an exciting announcement!
We have been awarded $40,000 from the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) STOP Grant Program!
ODSC will use this money to:
Hire a Cultural Broker, who will serve as a liaison between ODSC and existing domestic/sexual violence agencies, as well as a bridge between Deaf survivors and hearing domestic/sexual violence counselors.
Hire a Clinical Supervisor, who will be responsible for overseing and coordinating direct services provided by the Cultural Broker.
Fund interpreter and CART services.
We are thrilled about this opportunity to expand ODSC's services! Please keep an eye out for job announcements in the next few weeks.
Also, please remember that the ODSC Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline is open! If you need after-hours support in ASL (5:00 PM overnight to 9:00 AM, Monday night through Saturday morning), please call:
1-844-ODSC-SAFE (1-844-637-2723)