What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat of violence.
Physical Abuse: slapping, kicking, hitting, shoving, or other physical force.
Emotional Abuse: shouting, name-calling, humiliation, constant criticism, or harming the victim's relationship with children.
Mental Abuse: threats to harm the victims' family, friends, children, co-workers, or pets, isolation, mind games, destruction of victims' property, or stalking.
Financial Abuse: controlling the victim's money, withholding money for basic needs, interfering with school or job, or damaging the victim's credit.
Sexual Abuse: rape, sexual assault, forced prostitution, or interfering with birth control.
Does your partner ever:
Accuse you of cheating?
Make you feel worthless?
Hurt you by hitting, choking or kicking you?
Intimidate and threaten to hurt you or someone you love?
Threaten to hurt themselves if they don't get what they want?
Try to control what you do and who you see?
Isolate you?
Pressure or force you into unwanted sex?
Control your money?
Stalk you, including calling you constantly or following you?
If you suspect that you are experiencing domestic violence or relationship abuse.
You are not alone.
You are not to blame.
You do not deserve to be treated that way.
You have rights.
You can get help.
Contact by email at Connect@odscunity.org or call at (508) 426-2420 (VP)