November 2015
Handmade Tablecover Banner

Eveleen Cunningham
Our Deaf Survivors Center is so proud to show our new embroidery tablecover banner that was made by Eveleen Cunningham. See picture above.
This picture was taken at the Crafts Fair by Worcester Deaf Club during Massachusetts State Assocation of the Deaf conference on November 14, 2015.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness Night at Fenway Park
There were 243 people from the Deaf community at Fenway Park watching the Boston Red Sox game against Tampa Bay Buccuneers on Monday, September 21st for "Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness Night". National Anthem and 7th inning song "Take Me to the BallPark" in ASL. Big thanks to our Deaf members, Bryce Callahan, Randee Pascall-Speights and John Pirone for signing ASL at that game. Also big thanks to Beth Rubin, ASL interpreter, she was a big part to coordinate this event. The total of $5 from each ticket sold was splitted in half for two non-profit organizations, Our Deaf Survivors Center and Deaf, Inc.
The Red Sox won in a thrilling game, 8-7. Everyone had FUN!! Thanks to Boston Red Sox for hosting this event!!
September 2015

Bryce Callahan and Randee Pascall-Speights

Fenway Park billboard
August 2015
A New Cultural Broker in August
Our Deaf Survivors Center (ODSC) is very excited to announce that Heather Willman will fill the position of Cultural Broker starting in August. She will work closely with Inger Riley who has been our Interim Cultural Broker since last April. They work with Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind people who are experiencing sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking or harrassment. Cultural Brokers support and creat access for survivors by collaborating with victim service agencies and programs. They offer training, consultation another support about using and getting Certified American Sign Language Interpreters or CART, and how to create a Culturally Affirmative environment. The Cultural Broker may attend meetings with the survivor and agencies to ensure communiation access and a positive working relationship. The cultural Broker is available to support the victim with sexual and domestic violence needs in hospitals, law enforcement, and court settings.
You can get in touch with Inger at or VP #978-451-7225.
REMINDER: Please share with your friends about ODSC Hotline for sexual and domestic violence related issues at 1-ODSC-SAFE (1-844-637-2723). You can call from 5PM to 9AM Monday to Saturday morning to speak with a Volunteer Advocate. Our Volunteer Advocates offer support, information about different kinds or sexual and domestic abuse, referrals for other services, safety planning, or just to know that you are not alone. The ODSC hotline is here to help you!
So welome Heather! ODSC thanks Inger for being a big part of the success of our Cultural Broker program.
Any questions you may have, please feel free to email at and will help you get what you need.
Thank you for the community support.
Sue Philip
President, ODSC

Exciting Announcement
Our Deaf Survivors Center Awarded a 2015 Grant from the Lenny Zakim Fund
Boston, MA, February 3, 2015. Our Deaf Survivors Center, ODSC, is pleased to receive the Lenny Zakim award of $4,000at Awards Ceremony at Revere Hotel in Boston. This award will be used for the hotline services. It's the second time ODSC received an award from the Lenny Zakim Fund.
You can find more information in ODSC's website at The hotline number is 844-637-2723
February 2015